The story behind Dominio Colle Marino

The owners

We are a Dutch couple with two studying sons. Over the years we have always wanted to buy a holiday home but never took the plunge. Until we discovered the beautiful South Marche and fell in love with this beautiful part of Italy. In 2005 we decided to buy a ruin in Montefiore dell’Aso. The entire house has now been demolished and rebuilt.

We, many friends and relatives have already had wonderful times there. When we do not use it ourselves, we also want to offer others the opportunity to enjoy our “bel posto”.

Le Marche, located in the middle of Italy on the Adriatic Sea, is one of the country’s most beautiful and least-discovered regions. The area is characterized by a beautiful Riviera delle Palme, rolling hills and mountains, medieval towns, and picturesque villages. It is the perfect holiday destination for those looking for peace, nature, delicious food/drinks, and culture.

If you want to stay in a nice, quiet place with a swimming pool and sea view, then renting one or both accommodations is the ideal choice.